Learn to Meditate

Preparing a Space for Meditation
Search a peaceful and quiet place where you can be undisturbed during meditation. Sit on a straight chair or cross legged on a firm surface — cover that with a woollen blanket and/or a silk cloth. This will help further to insulate your seat from the downward pull of subtle earth currents.

Correct Posture for Meditation-
Instructions on Posture for Meditation

Erect Spine
The spine should be erect. When the devotee is seeking to direct his mind and life force upward through the cerebrospinal axis to the centres of higher consciousness in the brain, he should avoid pinching of the spinal nerves caused by improper posture.

If correct posture is followed, the body will be stable and thus remain relaxed, so that it is easily possible to remain completely still, without moving a muscle.

Now, close your eyes and gently lift your gaze upward, without straining, to the point between the eyebrows — the seat of concentration, and of the spiritual eye of divine perception.
One can also meditate by concentrating on Heart Chakra

“No one should try to meditate in the lotus posture unless he / she is at ease in that position.
To meditate in a strained posture keeps the mind on the discomfort of the body. Meditation should ordinarily be practised in a sitting position.

Obviously, in a standing posture (unless one is advanced) he may fall down when the mind becomes interiorized. “The proper bodily posture, one which produces calmness in body and mind, is necessary to help the yogi shift his mind from matter to Spirit.”

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